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Reactive counter increases on every interval


Interval fired: 0



import { useInterval } from '@vueuse/core'

// count will increase every 200ms
const counter = useInterval(200)
import { useInterval } from '@vueuse/core'

// count will increase every 200ms
const counter = useInterval(200)
const { counter, pause, resume } = useInterval(200, { controls: true })
const { counter, pause, resume } = useInterval(200, { controls: true })

Type Declarations

export interface IntervalOptions<Controls extends boolean> {
   * Expose more controls
   * @default false
  controls?: Controls
   * Exccute the update immediately on calling
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean
export declare function useInterval(
  interval?: MaybeRef<number>,
  options?: IntervalOptions<false>
): Ref<number>
export declare function useInterval(
  interval: MaybeRef<number>,
  options: IntervalOptions<true>
): {
  counter: Ref<number>
} & Pausable
export interface IntervalOptions<Controls extends boolean> {
   * Expose more controls
   * @default false
  controls?: Controls
   * Exccute the update immediately on calling
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean
export declare function useInterval(
  interval?: MaybeRef<number>,
  options?: IntervalOptions<false>
): Ref<number>
export declare function useInterval(
  interval: MaybeRef<number>,
  options: IntervalOptions<true>
): {
  counter: Ref<number>
} & Pausable




Anthony Fu
Nurettin Kaya


v7.6.0 on 2/8/2022
a2b2b - feat: support ref as interval (#1215)
v5.0.3 on 6/13/2021
c6f9b - fix: set controls default to false (#577)
v4.9.3 on 5/11/2021
0fff6 - feat!: introduce controls option
useInterval has loaded