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Reactive Fullscreen API. It adds methods to present a specific Element (and its descendants) in full-screen mode, and to exit full-screen mode once it is no longer needed. This makes it possible to present desired content—such as an online game—using the user's entire screen, removing all browser user interface elements and other applications from the screen until full-screen mode is shut off.



import { useFullscreen } from '@vueuse/core'

const { isFullscreen, enter, exit, toggle } = useFullscreen()
import { useFullscreen } from '@vueuse/core'

const { isFullscreen, enter, exit, toggle } = useFullscreen()

Fullscreen specified element

const el = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null)

const { isFullscreen, enter, exit, toggle } = useFullscreen(el)
const el = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null)

const { isFullscreen, enter, exit, toggle } = useFullscreen(el)
<video ref='el'>
<video ref='el'>


This function also provides a renderless component version via the @vueuse/components package. Learn more about the usage.
<UseFullscreen v-slot="{ toggle }">
  <video />
  <button @click="toggle">
    Go Fullscreen
<UseFullscreen v-slot="{ toggle }">
  <video />
  <button @click="toggle">
    Go Fullscreen

Type Declarations

export interface UseFullscreenOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
   * Automatically exit fullscreen when component is unmounted
   * @default false
  autoExit?: boolean
 * Reactive Fullscreen API.
 * @see
 * @param target
 * @param options
export declare function useFullscreen(
  target?: MaybeElementRef,
  options?: UseFullscreenOptions
): {
  isSupported: boolean
  isFullscreen: Ref<boolean>
  enter: () => Promise<void>
  exit: () => Promise<void>
  toggle: () => Promise<void>
export declare type UseFullscreenReturn = ReturnType<typeof useFullscreen>
export interface UseFullscreenOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
   * Automatically exit fullscreen when component is unmounted
   * @default false
  autoExit?: boolean
 * Reactive Fullscreen API.
 * @see
 * @param target
 * @param options
export declare function useFullscreen(
  target?: MaybeElementRef,
  options?: UseFullscreenOptions
): {
  isSupported: boolean
  isFullscreen: Ref<boolean>
  enter: () => Promise<void>
  exit: () => Promise<void>
  toggle: () => Promise<void>
export declare type UseFullscreenReturn = ReturnType<typeof useFullscreen>




Anthony Fu
Antério Vieira
Alex Kozack


v7.7.0 on 2/26/2022
c0b1a - feat: autoExit support (#1272)
v6.4.0 on 9/17/2021
e557f - feat: added 'as' prop to renderable components (#742)
9728a - fix(types): MaybeElementRef type, close #685
v4.11.2 on 5/30/2021
68c7d - feat(typedef): add return typedefs (#543) (#544)
v5.0.0-beta.2 on 5/25/2021
5bede - feat: introduce components & directives (#486)
useFullscreen has loaded