Unref for dom element.
<div ref="div"/>
<HelloWorld ref="hello"/>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { unrefElement } from '@vueuse/core'
const div = ref() // will be bind to the <div> element
const hello = ref() // will be bind to the HelloWorld Component
onMounted(() => {
console.log(unrefElement(div)) // the <div> element
console.log(unrefElement(hello)) // the root element of the HelloWorld Component
<div ref="div"/>
<HelloWorld ref="hello"/>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { unrefElement } from '@vueuse/core'
const div = ref() // will be bind to the <div> element
const hello = ref() // will be bind to the HelloWorld Component
onMounted(() => {
console.log(unrefElement(div)) // the <div> element
console.log(unrefElement(hello)) // the root element of the HelloWorld Component
Type Declarations
export declare type VueInstance = ComponentPublicInstance
export declare type MaybeElementRef = MaybeRef<
HTMLElement | SVGElement | VueInstance | undefined | null
* Get the dom element of a ref of element or Vue component instance
* @param elRef
export declare function unrefElement(
elRef: MaybeElementRef
): HTMLElement | SVGElement | undefined
export declare type VueInstance = ComponentPublicInstance
export declare type MaybeElementRef = MaybeRef<
HTMLElement | SVGElement | VueInstance | undefined | null
* Get the dom element of a ref of element or Vue component instance
* @param elRef
export declare function unrefElement(
elRef: MaybeElementRef
): HTMLElement | SVGElement | undefined